From Holly on 03/10/2007

My Sister You are my living testimony of Gods Promise There is no failure in Jesus Christ For you my sister the gates of heaven are open wide You followed his path, the straight and narrow way You are our testimony of what’s to come if we obey. What a time to be entering in For we are witnesses of the true meaning of the song, Oh’ when the saints go marching in, You gracefully and loving endured until the end. For as you sleep now you’re being changed with the twinkling of Gods eye Now wear your crown of and receive Gods promise of ever lasting life. For your labor down here, God has said well done, Your struggle is over, your battle is won Receive Gods joy that comes in this morning as he rises you up to stand, You are my living testimony of how to put all things in Gods hand. You’ll never be forgotten, memories of your smile, laughter and encouraging words are embedded in our hearts as you spoke we heard you and consumed, While you are waiting for us, help God, open up the windows, pour out the blessings and we will all be with you soon. Love Always,